ATLANT is known as a manufacturer of popular refrigerators, freezers and washing machines. Practical and reliable equipment that meets high consumer demands is coming off the conveyor lines of the enterprise. No wonder household appliances from Minsk are known not only in our country and other post-Soviet republics, but also in many European countries and even as far as Australia.
The strategic goal of ATLANT Inc. is the development of production capacity to increase the volume and expand the range of products.
Many years of experience in creating high-quality and reliable products, developing our own technical base, using the latest scientific and technical developments determine the success and achievements of the company.
ATLANT is a high-tech, dynamically developing enterprise. We keep up with modern tendencies and strive to produce products that best meet the needs of the modern consumer. Experience, coupled with the desire to be ahead, is the key to the success of ATLANT.
Corporate values